Top 10 Second Career Choices

Top 10 Second Career Choices

Career changers change careers due to a variety of reasons, ranging from changing preferences and outlooks on their work and even retiring from their previous job. If you’re thinking of changing your career path and need a plan. Here’s how you can assess your options, what are the most lucrative second career jobs you can consider, and the best way to start.

How to Get Started

When drafting a road map for your second career, make sure you make a plan to move towards something, not trying to escape from your current circumstance. Utilize these tips to ensure you’re heading in the correct direction.

1. Assess Your Interests

Even if you’re switching careers since you’re no longer interested in what you do, there’s a good chance that there was something about your previous job that you loved. Perhaps you liked working in a group (or by yourself) or you were able to work from home or you felt a sense of feeling of a connection to the product or services you received from your employer. Keep these positive experiences in mind when you consider your second job.

The next step is to discover the things you’re doing wrong and what you’re doing that’s appealing to you.

2. Identify Transferable Skills

Transferable skills are soft and hard skills you’ve learned through your current profession and could be transferred to the next level. Let’s take for instance you’re in sales at a retail store, but you’d like to change careers to computer support. The skills in customer service that you gained in retail are applicable to the new profession of offering assistance in information technology (IT) support.

Also read: 20 Demanding Job Oriented Skills For Your Bright Future

3. Prepare to Upskill

There’s a chance that you don’t have all the ability to be successful in your new role But don’t give up. Make use of the research phase in your career transition to discover the skills you need to add and then begin filling the gaps. One way to identify this is to examine profiles on LinkedIn profiles of the people with the title you’re looking for and then look at their qualifications in comparison to your personal qualifications. It is possible that you will be surprised to discover that the gap is smaller than you thought. Don’t expect to return to school to get a new job. A couple of classes or some training on the job might suffice.

4. Create a Budget

We all are employed at least due to the fact that we have to be able to, and it’s a good idea to look at the numbers and determine the amount you’ll need to earn before you embark on an important career shift. It’s possible that you’ll need to progress up the ladder, or you might discover that your new career offers the same or even higher than the current position. In either case, it’ll be beneficial to know how much you’ll have to earn.

5. Receive expert advice

There’s a limit to what you can accomplish by yourself. Don’t be afraid to reach out to experts when you’ve reached the point where you are unable to continue your search. If you’re a graduate of college you should consider contacting the college career center. There are many that offer job search and career advice for alumni even after the time of graduation. You can also think about hiring an expert in career coaching conducting informational interviews with people in your desired industry or joining professional associations to broaden your network.

10 Second Career Options to Consider

1. Consultant

If you are passionate about your work but are looking to expand your expertise in a new direction, a job as a consultant could be a good choice for you. Consultants assist companies in determining ways to improve their performance and efficiency provide training in new technologies, and provide special services or advice capabilities. Based on the area of your interest, you may be capable of becoming an expert consultant by building on your current skills or acquiring certificates to impress employers and customers.

Salary: According to Glassdoor, consultants have an average annual income of 77,368.

2. Web Developer

Web developers are accountable for the design and layout of websites, and also for their technical basis. You don’t need an undergraduate degree to be a web developer, however, you must have a combination of knowledge in graphic design and technical knowledge. If you’re not currently equipped with these abilities, a boot camp in coding could be a way to get them. (Or start with the free online coding resources.)

Salary: The BLS reports that web developers make a median annual income in the range of $73,760.

3. Teacher

According to a study by The Urban Institute, teaching is an occupation that is a popular second choice for many people who are older. There is a dearth of qualified teachers, and there are jobs readily available.  There is also the chance to contribute positively during your next job. It is reported that the Center for State and Local Government Excellence (SLGE) has found that 64% of teachers say or strongly believe that they are making a difference in these tough times. 46% felt that the health crisis in the country makes their job more worthwhile. Technology has broadened the scope of teaching professions that go beyond classrooms. The SLGE survey also shows an 89% rate of educators who have worked remotely for at least a portion all the time.  If you are passionate about teaching but would like to work from home, there are numerous options to consider.

Salary: According to the BLS the teachers at high schools earn an average annual salary of $61,660.

4. Computer Support Specialist

Do you find yourself the most sought-after person in your home to ask computer-related questions? You could be able to turn your technical expertise and skills with people into a new career as a specialist in computer support. Tech support specialists can begin their careers with just some postsecondary courses.

Salary: Per the BLS Computer support specialists earn an average annual income that is 54,000 dollars.

5. Private Detective

Private detectives are employed by individuals and companies, to conduct searches and background checks. They conduct investigations, conduct interviews, and also conduct surveillance. Private detectives are required to be licensed in all states and usually have experience in law enforcement or the military.

Salary: The BLS reports that private investigators make a median annual income in the range of $55,510.

6. Tax Preparer

If you’re someone with a passion for numbers and a desire to work from home tax preparation may be the right choice for you. It doesn’t require an accountant certified by the state of California (CPA) designation, or even years of accounting experience to start this field in a few states. Certain tax preparation firms have classes for interested applicants to learn. Tax preparer positions can result in other accounting jobs that are more regular in jobs.

Salary: Per Glassdoor, tax preparers make an average annual salary of $50,264.

Also read: Top High-Paying Remote Tech Jobs

7. Real Estate Agent

Make your sales abilities and passion for the real estate market into a new career as an estate agent. You can start by acquiring only a high school diploma (though certain employers now prefer having a college degree) and certain real estate courses and even licensure. (Licensing requirements vary from state to state.) Agents are required to be partnered with an experienced real estate broker who is certified to run the business of their choice.

Salary: According to the BLS real estate professionals have a median annual income in the range of $48,930.

8. Coach

You are an authority in your field? Or a competent amateur with a lot of years of experience? Consider coaching as your next project. The necessary skills and qualifications differ based on the particular coaching position however, there are opportunities to satisfy a variety of interests, from sports to self-improvement to career coaching, or executive leadership.

Salary:  Per PayScale, athletes make an average annual salary of $44,031, while life coaches have an average annual salary in the range of $48,501. Glassdoor, in contrast, says executive coaches make an average annual salary in the range of $45,567.

9. Virtual Assistant

Do you have experience with administrative tasks and organizational skills and an excellent level of familiarity with technology? If yes, then you should think about a career working as a virtual assistant. Administrative professionals work from their homes, organizing calendars, scheduling appointments, handling emails, and answering phone calls. In short, everything that an administrative assistant or secretary can do in a workplace.

Salary:  PayScale reports that virtual assistants earn an annual salary of $40,765.

10. Veterinary Technician

If you’re passionate about animals and are willing to return to the school to earn an associate degree, you could become a veterinarian tech. Assist veterinarians in conducting examinations, perform lab tests, and best of all, talk to pet owners regarding their pets.

Salary: According to the BLS Vet techs earn an average annual pay of $35,320.

How to Create Your Second Career a Virtual One

You may be aware that many of the jobs on our list are online or at the very most, they are suitable for telecommuting. This isn’t an accidental thing. The number of work-from-home jobs was increasing before employers were compelled to embrace remote working.

“The environment that remote jobs are available has changed drastically,” said Toni Frana who is the team leader and career coach for FlexJobs, a site that offers flexible and remote jobs. FlexJobs in an interview via email for The Balance. “Since March there have been more remote job openings.” been increasing every month.”

Frana advised potential remote workers to begin with a look at the options for scheduling that will work best for the individual. Virtual careers may be part-time full-time or project-based.