Top 10 Android Apps For Developers & Programmers

While a myriad of applications is available through the internet, we’ve identified the best Android apps for developers and programmers for beginners and seasoned users. The apps were classified based on their content, function, and features. Look through the list below to learn more about them:

1. Programming Hub

Programming Hub is among my personal favorites and is a must-have application for all programmers. It supports C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, Assembly, PHP, VB.Net, and many various other languages of programming.

It is a beautiful interface and includes a few important and basic applications. Additionally, the examples are presented clearly and easily together with the output compiled. There are more than 5000 programs and over 20 programming languages to choose from. In addition, they claim to be the most efficient compiler available for Android.

2. Algoid

Algoid is among the most popular Android apps for developers as well as programmers. It offers users the feeling of a programming workstation. It comes with a scope editor to help users understand the scope and a real-time debugger and a step-by-step execution mode.

The most prominent features are Syntax Highlighting, a Debugger with breakpoints and syntax error handling as well as unlimited redo and undo. The application is primarily focused on self-learning and makes learning more enjoyable.

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AIDE can be described as an integrated environment for development designed to create Android applications. It is, however, designed for all Java programmers. Learn expert Android app development with step-by-step programming lessons.

The app has an extensive editor that is feature-rich, so you can write codes, and create visually appealing applications. It also allows real-time error detection Refactoring and smart code navigation and more.

4. DroidEdit

Like Notepad ++, DroidEdit is a text editor as well as an editor for source code. It is a great Android application designed for coders and developers. It supports multiple languages like C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Latex, SQL, etc.

DroidEdit includes a range of functions including Auto and Block Indentation, Character Encoding document sharing, and much more. In addition, the professional version supports SFTP/FTP as well as customized themes, root mode, and many more. This incredible app can be designed for the latest generation of Android tablets that have keyboards with external ports.

5. Syntax Highlighted Code Editor

In the event that we are discussing the top Android Apps for coders, what can we do but forget about this amazing one? Syntax Highlighting Code Editor, as its name suggests highlights every section of code in the right way.

The app is completely customizable and comes in 9 different languages. It also includes auto-indentation, read-only mode, and auto-complete as well as many other features.

6. C++ Programming

Do you want to be a C++ programming master? With the “Learn C++ Programming’ application, you can start your journey to programming. It gives users access to a range of programming Tutorials and Programming Lessons as well as a variety of FAQs and exam-related questions.

There are over 140 programming programs with correct comments and a better understanding. Start by learning the basics, and then progress with more advanced programming. These features ensure that your needs for learning are contained in one code-learning application.

7. Learn Java

Learn Java is an enhanced learning environment that includes more tutorials, lessons, actual opportunities to practice, and community assistance. It is an educational partner of SoloLearn and provides a complete introduction to the one of most popular programming languages.

There are around 64 lessons from Learn Java, which includes all the fundamentals. The lessons are easy and efficient. Additionally, the students get to get everything for free.

8. Udacity

Udacity is a stylish interface that makes learning simpler and more enjoyable. Learn the latest skills needed in the most popular professions of today. Users can download courses and other content prior to time to work offline. If you’re looking for an app that will perfectly fit your lifestyle, Udacity is just the best choice for you.

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9. C4droid

C4droid is an extremely robust C/C++ IDE that includes an offline compiler for C/C++. It has a modern user-friendly and intuitive interface. The greatest thing about it is that it doesn’t require a rooting device. It allows you to build your applications and programs and export them with access to the internet.

In addition, it has the ability to support SDL, SDL2, SFML, Allegro, and many others. C4droid is an extremely customizable interface and comes with complete support for ANSI C and ISO C99.

10. Quoda Code Editor

Quoda is an editor for multi-language codes with integrated support for FTP/SFTP servers. It is free to use and gives developers a high-end environment. The most prominent features include cross-section editing syntax highlights, Dropbox & Google Drive integration, keybindings, and more.

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Additionally, the editor supports all the programming languages, and it is regularly updated to support the latest languages.

These were among the top Android apps for developers and programmers to get more acquainted with programming and coding. It is possible to start with the basics and progress to the more advanced levels. Choose the one suitable to your requirements and tell us about it your thoughts in the feedback section.