Archives December 2024

Farmer Christmas

This is a story, not about the big man in red,

No, it’s actually a story about his big brother instead.

So, not the one guided by reindeers eight

But the man who helps put Christmas dinner on your Christmas dinner plate.

His transport more John Deere, than magical beast

Yes, I talk of Farmer Christmas, the brother of which you know the least.

So we pick up this particular tale in a farmhouse kitchen,

Where Farmer Christmas, to his brother, Father Christmas, is bitchin’

His bitchin’ regales the tale of All Hallow’s eve,

And the early arrival of Christmas Grinch, the Rt Honourable Rachel Reeves.

With the just one stroke of her brand new Mont Blanc pen,

She smited family farms and businesses from Wales to the fens.

Only 500 farms would be affected, she told us with redistributive glee

“And let’s face it, most of those will be like Jeremy C”

But the figures are claptrap said Richard Teather of ASI

Indeed, as fabricated as Mrs Reeves very own curriculum vitae.

This is because ‘500’ a year is really 15,000 a generation;

If one also considers BPR, its more like 35,000 – what a revelation!

Further, ongoing farm consolidation, make HMRC’s statistics out of date,

So, you could add, say, 20% to that, meaning 42,000 on the taxing plate.

And lets add to those who plan and make gifts,

63,000 affected say Adam Smith, and so the Government’s credibility drifts.

So when the statistics tree is well and truly shook

What falls from the tree is closer to 70,000 farmers on the hook.

“Yes, yes, yes,” said old Santa Claus

“But what’s this got to do with me?” he says after a short, awkward pause

“Well, excuse me”, said his Farmer bro, aghast

Do I need to arrange a visit from the ghost of Christmas past?

Well, said Father C, with a glint in his eye,

As I remember, as Christmas ghosts go, he’s a real party guy.

“In any event, I view myself as a public service, you see,

It’s not all about turnover, cashflow and profitability.”

He pulled up his belt and stroked his beard,

As if this was the final word, with no others to be heard.

“Yes, that’s fine”, said Farmer C with biliousness

“But who pays for you to spread your Yuletide largesse?”

“Who works 365 days a year to fund your annual trip,

I’ll tell you, a tax base of one, me, the drip!”

“Well, err, there’s no need to go there, as his ruddy faced became ruddier

We don’t need to further drag our family affairs, make them even muddier”

“Well, I think we do”, said Farmer C, a spring starting to spring in his step,

He took a swig of egg-nog for a little extra pep.

“You see, it is my toil on this farm throughout the year,

Which allows you to fill your sled, and spread your Christmas cheer”

“It may be your face on cards, books, films and the like,

But who pays for it? Who greases the wheels of this, well, festive bike.”

He immediately regretted his appalling metaphor (or was it a simile?)

But he wasn’t going to let this elephant in the room rest easily.

“You see dear brother, whilst you’ve lived offshore,

Paying my taxes and eeking out a living, has become a chore.”

Father said “Don’t worry bro, it won’t matter much,

We’ll get through this, in Starmer we trust!”

“No, I implore you dear bro, let there be no confusion

My financial straits are not merely an illusion.”

“Can’t pay the gas or leccy, let alone your ELF 100 Reactor

It’s not as if I can go out and simply sell the tractor.”

“Dear Santa, why can’t you see this is serious?

The Labour Party has pretty much ended Christmas!”

“Don’t fret, don’t worry, it’ll be all right my bro

I’ve made a pile of cash from buying and selling crypto!”

“Bitcoin, ether, DeFI and memes!

I think that crypoassets are in the family’s genes”

“Whilst you’ve been working so hard on the land

I’ve been working smart, making moon money, gettin’ diamond hands”

“Let me get this straight”, said Farmer in despair,

“You’ve been trading crypto? No wonder I’ve lost my hair”.

“Well”, said, Father, hardly making his brother calmer,

We’re both farmers now, it’s just I’m a Yield Farmer!”

Suddenly, at long last, Santa began to read the room

“Well, my tax adviser did call the other day, which lifted the gloom”

He bellowed “Brother, FIGs, FIGs FIGs is exactly what he told me”

The tone in his voice was absolutely bursting with glee.

“You and your figgy pudding predeliction

I’m getting concerned, brother, is this becoming an addiction?”

“No ho ho”, said Father C with a rioutous shout

“It’s the new foreign income and gains tax regime I’m talking about.”

“You see, I’ve been in Lapland so long my dear

And I might have frostbite where you’d rather not hear.”

“But this new announcement is really da bomb

I’ll no longer even have to pretend to be non-dom”

“So”, said Farmer C, with little festive cheer

“Let me get this straight, you’re moving back HERE…”

“Yes, maybe, I can bring my foreign income and gains, isn’t it great,

Without the taxman taking anything from my plate!”

“I can help you on the farm. Callooh! Callay!

I’ll bring the elves and reindeers to help pay our way.”

“But, but, but” sighed Farmer with his head in his hands,

“Have you not seen Rachel Reeves other confiscatory plans”

“If we do this, we’ll now get rinsed for N.I.C,

And, with Angela Rayner’s Employments Rights Bill, things will be really iffy.”

“Ok, dear brother, we can park that for now,

But I want to help, please tell me how?”

“Well, do you still keep the naughty list for a start?”

“Oh yes, upgraded it to a naughty contract using Ethereum… now it’s smart.”

“Perhaps then, on it Rachel Reeves’ name you can pop”

“Sure, my bro, I’ll make sure she’s there, right at the top”

“Did I say”, said Santa, “I’m getting stung for IHT don’t you know?”

“On my Santa Invested Personal Pension, which has just started to grow.”

“You have a SIPP?” said Farmer, surprise etched on his face

“Yes,” responded Father, “I set it up with St Nick’s Place”

“But don’t you need to have some actual earnings to fill up the pot?

I know my funding is pretty all that you’ve got”

“Ah”, said Father C, tapping his nose

“Tips! Mince pies, whisky etc I get plenty of those”.

“But mince pies and glasses of scotch?

How do you turn those into cash? Is this a YouTube I gotta watch.”

“Well, I scoop up the bounty in my magic sack,

And I put it in my sleigh and to Lapland I take back”

“On the trip the mince pies are boxed and the whisky casked,

How it happens? Well, that, dear brother, I’ve never asked”

“But then we go online and we sell it all on E-Bay

The E stands for Elf, (despite what they might say)”

“So its magically bottled and boxed in your sack,

And you sell it on the market, a market that’s black?”

“Not black, no, no, no, it’s more like Elfish Green

I’ll tell you, you have to believe it, for it to be seen” 

“Well, I’d don’t want to spoil your pecuniary ruse,

But I’m pretty sure that’s getting close to tax abuse”

“Well, funny you say that, I’ve I had an enquiry, but I’m fine,

A lovely inspector opened it under COP9”

“He wanted to check the source of my funds

Broadly, was tax due on these ex-gratia festive bungs?”

“But he decided they weren’t subject to a levy,

Though he was interested in the profits from selling the pies and bevvies”

“I persuaded him to that there was no truth (not even a grist)

And if he didn’t accept that, he’d be straight on the naughty list

And with that, the Christmas brothers, were reunited as a pair,

Proving nought thicker than blood and, well, mutual taxation despair.

They drank and they laughed adding Reeves and Starmer to the naughty list

They drank and laughed some more until they were totally p….

And so comes to an end this story rhyming, long and tall

All’s that’s left for Tax Dog to say is…

… “Merry Christmas one and all”.

By Tax Dog


Deliberate loss of VAT

Introduction – Tax issue and it’s importance

The tax issue involves the deliberate overclaiming of input tax using false invoices, which had been issued for supplies that were never made. This is significant because it addresses the integrity of the VAT system, ensuring that businesses accurately report and pay their taxes. Deliberate fraud undermines the tax system, leading to revenue loss for the government and unfair competition among businesses.

Problem in the Case

In this case, the problem was that HMRC assessed Lancer Scott Ltd for overclaiming input tax on its VAT returns between September 2006 and December 2009. The issue revolved around false invoices for supplies that were not made, with the company accused of participating in transactions connected to VAT fraud.

Taxpayer’s Argument

Lancer Scott Ltd argued that HMRC’s assessment was issued too late, suggesting that HMRC had sufficient evidence to raise the assessment before the critical jury bundle was received from a related criminal prosecution. They claimed that the evidence HMRC needed to make the assessment was already available to them during Mr. Folwell’s trial, who was convicted of money laundering and was connected to the company.

HMRC’s Argument

HMRC argued that the input tax claims were based on non-existent supplies and that the company knowingly engaged in transactions connected to VAT fraud. They presented comprehensive evidence showing that the invoices were false and that the taxpayer had participated in fraudulent activities. HMRC also contended that their assessment was timely because it was issued within one year of receiving sufficient evidence from the criminal prosecution’s jury bundle.


The First-tier Tribunal (FTT) sided with HMRC, accepting their evidence that the appellant had deliberately overclaimed input tax using false invoices. The FTT found that the majority of the claimed items were not supplied and that the overclaims were intentional. Consequently, the appeal against both the assessment for overclaimed input tax and the associated penalties was dismissed.

Implications for Clients

For our clients, this case shows the importance of maintaining accurate and honest records for VAT purposes. It highlights the extended timeframe HMRC has to assess cases involving deliberate VAT fraud, which can be up to 20 years. Clients must ensure their transactions are legitimate and correctly documented to avoid harsh penalties and assessments. Additionally, the burden of proof lies with the taxpayer to demonstrate the correctness of their VAT claims, emphasising the need for thorough and transparent accounting practices.

Next Steps

At ETC Tax, we pride ourselves on our values, with excellence being at the forefront. We are dedicated to ensuring your records are both up-to-date and accurate, so you can avoid the stress of HMRC assessments. If you need further guidance on VAT, a complex area of tax, please get in touch with us today. Our team is here to help you navigate these challenges with confidence and expertise.


Understanding High-Income Child Benefit and Pension Charges…

What do you need to know?


Navigating the complexities of the UK tax system can be challenging, especially when certain charges catch you off guard. Among these often-overlooked areas are the High-Income Child Benefit Charge (HICBC) and pension-related tax charges. These can be significant, but many taxpayers are either unaware of their existence or unsure of how they apply. In this article, we’ll explore both, explaining why it’s crucial to stay vigilant.

The High-Income Child Benefit Charge (‘HICBC’)

The HICBC is an additional tax that affects those who claim Child Benefit but earn above a certain threshold. Introduced in 2013, it’s aimed at clawing back Child Benefit payments from higher earners. Despite being in place for over a decade, many taxpayers remain unaware of the charge, often to their detriment.

The charge applies when either the claimant or their partner earns more than £60,000. As the income level rises, a portion of the Child Benefit is effectively taxed away, and when the income reaches £80,000, the full amount of the Child Benefit is taxed back.

Let us explain

For example, for every £2,000 earned above £60,000, 10% of the maximum Child Benefit amount entitlement but be paid back. Therefore, if an individual were to earn £75,000 a year, they must pay back 75% of their Child Benefit receipt. In turn, once £80,000 is hit by an individual, the charge will be equal to 100% of entitlement.

What makes the charge tricky is that it applies to the higher earner in a household. Even if that person isn’t the one receiving the benefit. This can catch many families by surprise, particularly those with fluctuating incomes or those unaware they crossed the threshold. Failure to register for the HICBC can result in penalties, and many don’t realise they need to notify HMRC if their circumstances change.

Pension Charges for High Earners

Pension contributions are another area where high-income individuals need to be cautious, particularly due to the Annual Allowance and the Tapered Annual Allowance.

The Annual Allowance is the maximum amount of tax-relieved pension contributions you can make in a given tax year, recently increased to £60,000. If this limit is exceeded, taxpayers may face an additional tax charge on the excess.

For high earners, the Tapered Annual Allowance further reduces this cap. If your “adjusted income” (your total taxable income, including pension contributions) exceeds £260,000, your annual allowance decreases by £1 for every £2 of income above this threshold, down to a minimum allowance of £10,000.

Let us explain

To illustrate this, lets focus on an individual with an adjusted income of £320,000 including pension contributions of £40,000. As this income is £60,000 above the tapering threshold, this would result in a deduction of £30,000 to the annual pension allowance. Subsequently meaning £10,000 of pension contributions will be subject to the annual pension charge.

Many high-income taxpayers contribute to pensions automatically, through salary sacrifice schemes or company contributions. This can result in exceeding the Annual Allowance without realising it, especially if your income fluctuates or increases unexpectedly.

Exceeding your Annual Allowance triggers a tax charge, which needs to be declared via self-assessment. Much like the HICBC, many taxpayers are unaware of this requirement, potentially leading to hefty charges and penalties.

Seek Advice

With careful tax planning and close monitoring of your income, you can avoid unnecessary charges. However, given the complexities involved, seeking advice from a tax professional is often the best way to ensure you remain compliant and avoid unexpected tax bills. A tax advisor can help you identify potential issues before they become problems.

Both the High-Income Child Benefit Charge and pension tax charges for high earners are areas that can lead to unexpected tax liabilities. While these charges are far from new, they remain under-the-radar for many taxpayers. By staying informed and vigilant, you can avoid falling into these common traps and ensure you’re not hit with unexpected charges and penalties.

Next Steps

If in doubt, seeking our expert tax advice can save you significant time, stress, and money in the long run. The team here at ETC Tax can advise and guide you given the complexities involved, please get in touch if you want to discuss any


Is the farmer in the Den!


The UK Autumn Budget 2024 presented by Chancellor Rachel Reeves introduced a range of challenges and opportunities for the agricultural sector.

With rising labour costs, adjustments to tax reliefs, and reduced subsidies, strategic planning in workforce management and financial decisions will be essential.

Farmers, employers, and those in agricultural recruitment and workforce management need to understand these developments.

We have outlined some of the questions and answers to guide you.

Q: What changes to inheritance tax for UK farms were announced in the Autumn Budget 2024?

A: From April 2026, the first £1 million of combined business and agricultural assets will remain fully exempt from inheritance tax. For assets exceeding £1 million, inheritance tax will apply at a 50% relief rate, meaning an effective tax rate of 20% on the value above the threshold.

If for example, we have a family farm with a value of £4.5m. Before April 2026, the entire farm (assuming it meets the criteria for Agricultural Property Relief (APR)) would be exempt from IHT. Fast-forward to post April 2026, only the first £1m of value would be covered by this relief, meaning the other £3.5m would have only 50% relief (tantamount to a 20% rate of IHT) resulting in a liability of £700,000

Q: How are these changes expected to impact family farms?

A: There is a concern that these changes could threaten the long-term viability of family farms especially the younger farmers. They already face ongoing challenges just to remain profitable , so now having to account for 20% inheritance tax on the value of their business assets above £1 million could become an additional insurmountable barrier for future generations.

Q: How will Capital Gains Tax (CGT) rates affect farming businesses?

A: Capital Gains Tax rates have already or are set to increase on disposals of capital assets whether they qualify for, Business Asset Disposal Relief or not. This may lead some farm businesses looking to take advantage of the current rates  before they change   from April 2025 Others may choose to wait, hoping for possible u-turn .

Q: Is there a “window of opportunity” to make changes before the new rules take effect?

A: Yes, businesses looking to take advantage of current APR and BPR rates have until April 2026. During this period, companies may be able to make adjustments to their succession plans or consider other tax-saving strategies.

Those who are considering selling will need to do so before 6 April 2025 to benefit from the current BADT rate of 10%. From April 2025 this increases to 14% before a final increase from 6 April 2026 to 18%.

Q: What will the impact be on land prices and farm structures?

A: Landowners may see structural changes in farming and land occupation. Farmers may need to reconsider retiring from their business and leasing land, as IHT relief on that land is now limited. Two key factors will influence land prices: whether buyers exit the market due to reduced IHT relief / increased CGT rates and whether the supply of land increases as it becomes less attractive to retain land in retirement.

Q: Will there be changes in the supply and rent of let land?

A: The supply of let land may increase due to reduced tax advantages of farming land in-hand. However, it is uncertain whether this will drive rents down, as farm profitability now strongly influences rent levels.

Q: Should farmers consider bringing forward succession plans?

A: Farmers may want to consider accelerating succession plans before April 2026 to make use of current reliefs. For example, moving assets to a family member or into a trust and claim the 100% APR. However, we do need to be mindful of  CGT as this may complicate this. Gifting assets is treated as a sale for tax purposes, potentially incurring a 24% CGT on unrealised gains.

Q: What impact will changes in Business Asset Disposal Relief have on passing down farms?

A: Business Asset Disposal Relief will become less generous starting in April 2025. This change, along with adjustments in IHT, could make it more challenging to keep farms within the family. Ms. Millington notes that selling isn’t necessarily a solution either, as CGT applies to sales and any remaining proceeds may still be subject to IHT.

Next Steps

With protest being staged in London recently due to these proposed changes, there is consideribale pressure on the government to reverse these proposed changes. So far, they seem to be holding their ground.

It’s imperative to seek advice on this if you and your family are affected by the change.

At ETC Tax we specialise in complex tax matters, and as such, would be exactly the type of adviser you will need on your side to plan your way out of these issues.

Get in touch today!

The post Is the farmer in the Den! appeared first on Making the Complex Simple.


Case-Dual tax residence implications for a company


Our client owns three UK companies and recently moved abroad for the foreseeable future. Our client intends to run their companies from another country and wants to understand any UK corporation tax consequences of doing so.


It is possible for a company to be resident in more than one country and if this is the case, we need to review the double tax agreement (DTA) which should allocate treaty residence to one of the jurisdiction. If a company does lose it’s UK tax residence status, there will be a deemed disposal of its assets for UK tax purposes.

How we solved it

We provided an analysis of the UK tax consequences of our client’s companies losing their UK tax residence status and advised on the steps our client would need to take to ensure that this does not arise. We also advised on how the DTA would impact our client’s companies if they do remain UK tax resident and any associated reporting requirements.

The outcome

Our client was able to understand the steps necessary for their companies to remain UK tax residences and avoid any adverse UK tax implications. Without this planning, our client may not have been aware of the deemed disposal rules for a company losing it’s UK tax residence status and could have faced a large disposal for tax purposes.

Next Steps

If you are considering moving abroad and wondering what the tax implications are for your UK company then get in touch.
