Archives September 2024

Case Disclosure to HMRC


We were approached by a client who had recently realised he had incorrectly reported his occupational pension scheme contributions on his tax return. Whilst the tapering provisions had been considered, he had failed to calculate and report the annual allowance charge (AAC) which applies when total contributions exceed the annual allowance.


Our client had filed previous year tax returns incorrectly and as there was no AAC reported, had filed these returns with an underpayment of tax.

How we solved it

We worked with our client to understand the position as it stood and how it had been reported to HMRC, compared with the correct position, which needed to be disclosed to HMRC. We assisted with a disclosure to HMRC and agreed a low penalty rate as we were able to demonstrate our client was being co-operative.

The outcome

Our client was confident in knowing that the disclosure had been handled correctly and that the lowest penalty rate possible had been agreed.

Next Steps

If you are concerned about whether the disclosure you have made is correct or not then let ETC Tax take a look.


Martin Lewis: Too many energy smart meters are broken, they need fixing — letter to Ed Miliband, Secretary of State for Energy

Complaints about smart meters are through the roof. Too many people tell me theirs are broken. Others refuse to have them and feel companies are forcing them. I’m generally in favour of the concept of smart meters, though I think the way they’ve been rolled out since the start has been dire. Things need to change, so today I sent this open letter to the new Labour Government’s Energy Secretary of State, Ed Miliband…


Martin Lewis: We can't ignore the impact of money issues on people's mental health – here's what we're trying to do about it

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